Mint Latam News

Finep launches credit line for industry innovation.

A new line of credit from Financier of Studies and Projects (FINEP), focused on business innovation, will inject $ 200 million into the market to encourage areas such as internet of things (Illot), big data, cloud computing, digital security, advanced robotics, digital manufacturing, artificial intelligence and digitization. Finep Inovacred 4.0 will serve small to medium and large companies, with annual revenues of up to R $ 300 million.

According to Finep’s Director of Innovation, Alberto Dantas, the new line of credit will support the formulation and implementation of strategic digitization business plans that embrace the use of Industry 4.0 technologies in their production lines – a set of tools for associated industrial automation.

The digitization of information and direct communication between systems, machines, products and people. These technologies will connect everyday items to the world wide web.

Source: Agência Brasil

Mint Digitall

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